Dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra
Dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra

dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra

However, due to still being trapped in the Crack of Time, Demigra was forced to send one of his Mirages, which proved to be fortunate for him, as the combined might of the God of Destruction and the Future Warrior would have likely destroyed him, as they did his Mirage. Beerus uses this to his advantage by pretending to be under Demigra's control, predicting correctly that Demigra wouldn't miss the chance to gloat about his apparent success of controlling Beerus, only for Beerus to turn the tables on him by revealing that he was only pretending to be under the Demon God's control.

dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra

His increase in power while imprisoned has only made him more conceited and arrogant, to the point where he believes he is powerful enough to control Beerus, the God of Destruction, an act Beerus considers blasphemous. However, Demigra responds to this failure by explaining that it was just his way of ending their lives quick and painlessly, implying that he sees them being killed in the Emblem's explosion as a form of mercy. It is later implied by Chronoa that he only helped the Future Warrior so they could defeat the Time Breakers for him as he had no further use for the pair (the pair were seemingly unaware of the fact that their distortions of history had weakened the barrier that separates the Crack of Time from the rest of the universe) and having no interest in their plan of collecting enough energy to break the seal on Demon Realm, showing that he has no love for his homeland nor for his fellow demons.ĭespite his arrogance, Demigra is shown to be calculating as he places his Majin Emblem on the Future Warrior before transporting them to Age 785, where he planned to kill the Warrior, Future Trunks, and Chronoa with via the Emblem's Self Destruction, though his plan fails thanks to Chronoa's intervention. He is also shown to be quite deceitful as he aids the Future Warrior to travel through time from Age 783 to Age 785 in Future Trunks' timeline, allowing them to save Future Trunks from Dark Future Perfect Cell, foiling the plans of fellow demons Towa and Mira to erase Future Trunks from history. Due to his time spent imprisoned in the Crack of Time, he has become extremely patient and extremely tenacious, something he is quite proud of as he scolds Future Trunks for the mere suggestion that he had given up on his plans to escape the Crack of Time, stating he hadn't spent 75 million years trapped in the Crack of Time just to give up, and Chronoa herself admits she finds this aspect of Demigra's personality creepy. Despite admitting he is a Demon (as he calls himself the Demon God), he truly believes and insists he is a divine god. As a result, he is proud, arrogant, self-assured, and enjoys toying with his enemies. It also fits with cooking scheme of some of his techniques.ĭemigra has what can best be described as a god complex, possessing an unshakable belief that he is an almighty god who deserves to rule all of time and the universe, refusing to be bound by the Laws of the Universe nor yield to the true ruler/guardian of time and space, the Supreme Kai of Time, as he believes himself to be more deserving of that role than her.

dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra

Also similar to "demiurge" - which refers to a godly being responsible for the creation of the universe in some way, tying in with Demigra's goals. ĭemigra's name comes from "demi-glace", a type of sauce. Mechikabura and Demigra's designs were both taken from the same concept art sheet. Mechikabura and Demigra's concept art sheet

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  • Dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 4 demigra